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        你所在位置: 首頁 >> 新聞中心 > 公司新聞



        作者:http://www.www.boy7up.cn 時間:2021-05-12

        1. Open mixing is prohibited in all places, and large-scale construction of mixing stations is required
        With the increasingly serious problem of urban environmental pollution, various places have issued regulations on the control and management of dust pollution in construction projects, which stipulates that the construction site is prohibited from outdoor artificial concrete mixing operation, and the centralized supply system of concrete is adopted. This can not only ensure the quality of concrete, facilitate civilized construction, improve production efficiency, but also reduce environmental pollution. At the same time, with the large-scale construction of mixing plant, it also provides a great opportunity for small mixer.
        2、促進新型城鎮化建設, 小型攪拌車在城鄉路況種通過性更強
        2. To promote the construction of new urbanization, small mixer has stronger trafficability in urban and rural road conditions
        With the accelerating pace of new urbanization construction and the continuous promotion of old city reconstruction projects, the demand for small mixer truck is becoming increasingly strong. Due to the narrow and rugged roads in many urban and rural areas, it is not very convenient to turn around, so it is difficult for the large mixer to carry out. Therefore, the small mixer can come and go freely on the narrow road with its own size, which is also one of the reasons for the high sales volume.
        3. It can meet the special needs of various complex road conditions
        Small mixer can be widely used in mines, tunnels, township, village, town roads, water conservancy projects, the end of large projects, short-term small projects, small mixing station, subway, national defense and other engineering construction. Moreover, many construction site roads have special requirements, and the requirements for vehicles entering and leaving the construction site are relatively strict. For example, it is difficult for large mixer trucks to enter and leave the construction site such as subway tunnels. In addition, many places have limited height and width measures, especially some township roads. This also provides more opportunities for small concrete mixer.
        4. Small mixer relatively low price, low cost, easy maintenance
        (1) Because of its small size and low configuration, its price is naturally much lower than that of large and medium-sized mixer trucks of the same type. This price advantage is very attractive to those customers who want to invest in mixer trucks but have not enough funds.
        (2) Small mixer is more labor-saving and lower cost. A small mixer is compared with a 5-party mixer or a 6-party mixer, and a small mixer is about 140000 yuan. If the benefit is good, the cost can be recovered in seven or eight months, and the pressure is relatively small.
        (3)小型攪拌車維修保養也十分方便,由于設備小,配件也沒有那么多,只需花少數的人力和資金、時 間就能維持輕松使用維護攪拌車。
        (3) Small mixer maintenance is also very convenient, because the equipment is small, accessories are not so much, just spend a few manpower and capital, time can maintain easy use and maintenance of mixer.
        • 公司:萊州聚峰機械有限公司
        • 熱線:400-879-1999
        • 地址:山東省萊州市206國道與308省道交叉口東南50米

