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        你所在位置: 首頁 >> 新聞中心 > 公司新聞



        作者:http://www.www.boy7up.cn 時間:2021-05-06

        在施工現場卸貨后,立即用連接到攪拌車上的軟管清洗進料斗,卸料斗和卸料斜槽,以除去附著在主體上的污泥和混凝土。在返回攪拌站的途中,應將150-200 L的水倒入攪拌桶中,以清洗墻壁和葉片上的混凝土殘渣。
        After unloading at the construction site, the feed hopper, discharge hopper and discharge chute shall be cleaned immediately with the hose connected to the mixer truck to remove the sludge and concrete attached to the main body. On the way back to the mixing plant, 150-200 l of water should be poured into the mixing drum to clean the concrete residue on the walls and blades.
        每天工作后,駕駛員需要將清水倒入攪拌桶中,以高速(14-18 rpm)旋轉5-10分鐘,然后排干水以確保滾筒清潔。 ..用高壓水清潔攪拌桶的所有零件時,請小心避免接觸儀表和操縱桿等零件。壓力水噴嘴與主體噴漆表面之間的距離必須為40 cm以上。
        After working every day, the driver needs to pour clean water into the mixing bucket, rotate it at high speed (14-18 RPM) for 5-10 minutes, and then drain the water to ensure that the drum is clean When cleaning all parts of the mixing drum with high-pressure water, please be careful not to touch parts such as instruments and control rods. The distance between the pressure water nozzle and the main body painting surface must be more than 40 cm.
        For maintenance and welding operation, it is necessary to clean the dirt and residual concrete slag inside and outside the mixing drum. When the mechanic enters the mixing drum for mixing and runs the automatic feeding mixer, the engine of the car should be turned off first. Stop mixing drum completely. When the technician enters the cylinder for work, please ensure that the mixing cylinder is well ventilated, the air is fresh, there is no gas or harmful dust, and the oxygen supply is sufficient. When using power tools in barrels, the operator must have good insulation protection.
        Do not touch the rotating mixing bucket when working. To prevent accidents, do not touch the connection between the main discharge chute and the extended discharge chute.
        • 公司:萊州聚峰機械有限公司
        • 熱線:400-879-1999
        • 地址:山東省萊州市206國道與308省道交叉口東南50米

