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        你所在位置: 首頁 >> 新聞中心 > 常見問題



        作者:http://www.www.boy7up.cn 時間:2022-05-27

        In addition to the appearance and materials, the fully automatic mixer also applies more scientific and technological design concepts and innovative technologies. It is generally a good machine for the selection of small and medium-sized, discrete concrete construction sites, and can be constructed in remote rural, mountainous, field and other complex environmental conditions. It is mainly applicable to two fields. Let's take a look with Xiaobian!
        1. first, in the construction field, automatic feeding, intelligent formulation, and then mixing can save a lot of labor. Basically, one person can operate it. This kind of mixer truck is easy to operate, saving time and effort.
        2. the second is the mixing of feed. Some large feed factories can also use this for feed mixing, which saves time and labor, reduces personnel costs, and has a good control over the feed ratio.
        In addition, there are many problems that should be paid attention to in the use of the mixer, such as:
        The full-automatic mixer truck shall be parked on the flat ground and the bucket shall be placed on the ground. After the engine is shut down, it is necessary to pull the operating handle of the working device repeatedly to ensure that all hydraulic cylinders are in a pressure free rest state. When the full-automatic mixer can only stop on the ramp, the tires shall be firmly padded.
        After the full-automatic mixer stops working, the operator will place various handles in neutral or middle positions.
        First remove the electric lock key, then turn off the main power switch, and finally close the doors and windows.
        It is strictly forbidden to park the full-automatic mixer in the area with open fire or high temperature, so as to prevent the tire from being heated and exploding, causing accidents.
        When using the combination valve or air tank to inflate the tire, people shall not stand in the front of the tire of the full-automatic mixer to prevent explosion injury.
        Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to some problems when operating it, so as to avoid that improper operation will cause too fast wear and even serious consequences of rollover, hydraulic pump, motor and reducer. For more information, please follow our website www.zkzsljbc Com!
        • 公司:萊州聚峰機械有限公司
        • 熱線:400-879-1999
        • 地址:山東省萊州市206國道與308省道交叉口東南50米

