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        你所在位置: 首頁 >> 新聞中心 > 常見問題



        作者:http://www.www.boy7up.cn 時間:2021-10-20

        1. Avoid steering in place
        Due to the poor feeling of the car, many novices like to steer in place. This bad habit is basically brought out from the driving school. In situ steering will concentrate the wear of the tire on the same contact surface, resulting in serious local wear of the tire and shortening the service life. Therefore, the driver should avoid turning the direction in situ, but should turn the direction when the tire rolls. In this way, the ground will bring multi-directional and uniform normal wear to the mixer tire.
        2. Avoid hitting shoulders and sinking into potholes
        Some drivers are aggressive in parking. They like to let the concrete mixer ride on the shoulder to park. In the process of the mixer riding on the shoulder, the tire will be squeezed, which is easy to cause the cord on the side of the mixer tire to break, resulting in tire bulge.
        Potholes in the road should also be avoided. When the mixer tire runs over the pit, the mixer tire will also be squeezed. The larger the pit and the higher the vehicle speed, the greater the extrusion force of the tire, which will also lead to bulging of the tire.
        3. Avoid rubbing against the tire wall
        Many times, rubbing the tire wall is inadvertently caused when the mixer pulls over. It may be the driver's poor feeling of the car or the driver's desertion. The side of the mixer tire belongs to the weak part of the tire. If it is seriously worn, it will also cause tire bulge and bring the hidden danger of tire burst. Therefore, when the driver pulls over, he should pay more attention to the distance between the mixer and the shoulder to avoid rubbing the tire wall.
        4. Maintain proper tire pressure
        Proper tire pressure can ensure uniform grounding area of concrete mixer tire and reduce unnecessary wear. Therefore, drivers should develop the habit of regularly detecting tire pressure and know the tire pressure status of tires at any time. The tire pressure can be tested in a special repair shop or by purchasing a tire pressure gauge. The tire pressure standard can refer to the tire pressure label of the mixer.
        5. Don't lower the tire pressure in summer
        Many drivers mistakenly believe that due to the high temperature in summer, reducing tire pressure can avoid tire burst. In this way, the contact surface between the mixer tire and the ground will increase, the friction will increase, the propulsion tire will wear, and the tire temperature of the mixer will rise faster and it will be easier to burst. Therefore, maintain normal tire pressure in summer.
        • 公司:萊州聚峰機械有限公司
        • 熱線:400-879-1999
        • 地址:山東省萊州市206國道與308省道交叉口東南50米

