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        你所在位置: 首頁 >> 新聞中心 > 常見問題



        作者:http://www.www.boy7up.cn 時間:2021-10-11

        1. There is a forced mixer in my mixing tank, which can rotate clockwise and counterclockwise alternately. Cement, stone, sand, water and other raw materials can be fully integrated. The mixed concrete is more in line with the national standard and faster.
        2. Both sides of the front and rear frames of my articulated car body are respectively connected with one end of two steering cylinders. The driver can realize flexible steering by controlling the alternating expansion and contraction of the two steering cylinders. It is very practical in Panshan Road, rural path, farmland water conservancy, rural house building, small bridge repair, slope protection and other environments and projects.
        3. I'm a mixer truck with "tugboat swing technology". My daily work is that the mixing tank keeps rotating to mix concrete. After mixing, it also needs to rotate to unload. Therefore, the mixing tank is always rotating. This causes friction between the mixing tank and the tug, and over time, it is easy to damage the of the mixing tank. But with the "tugboat swing technology", I'm no longer afraid of spinning! Because this skill can adjust the tank track and support the tug evenly, so that the two sides can match each other and get along well with each other. In this way, the mixing tank is more durable.
        4. The bucket process is upgraded to make loading and unloading more free. When other mixer trucks have too much loading and shoveling materials and need to operate the loading arm again, my bucket can realize free loading and unloading without excessive operation of the loading arm, and the bucket can solve it by itself. Moreover, the bottom structure of my bucket has been transformed. Compared with the flat bottom structure of other mixer trucks, the bottom of my bucket adopts a round bottom structure, which can load smoothly without blocking the material. Only in the feeding step, a lot of time is saved and the operation efficiency is higher.
        As for me, I can not only take mountain roads, climb slopes, but also go to the plateau and enter the grassland. Rural roads can't help me. Township roads also pass through everything. Let's show you my good work achievements! This is the road widening project I carried out in the countryside. Nearly 200 cubic meters of concrete are widened every day in half a day. This is my road hardening project in rural roads, stirring and unloading to bring a new environment to the villagers. This is filling the foundation pit.
        By the way, I am also unobstructed on mountain roads and narrow dirt roads. I am 100% serious about building factories and laying floors in workshops. In rural housing and courtyard construction projects, I am an "expert". At the same time, as a small concrete mixing plant, I cooperate with small transporters to transport concrete for other rural projects.
        以上的精彩內容來自: 自上料攪拌車更多的精彩內容請點擊進入我們的網站:http://www.www.boy7up.cn,我們后續會有更多的內容為您呈現.
        The above wonderful content comes from: more wonderful content from the loading mixer, please click to enter our website: http://www.www.boy7up.cn , we will have more content for you later
        • 公司:萊州聚峰機械有限公司
        • 熱線:400-879-1999
        • 地址:山東省萊州市206國道與308省道交叉口東南50米

