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        你所在位置: 首頁 >> 新聞中心 > 行業資訊



        作者:http://www.www.boy7up.cn 時間:2021-11-17

        Concrete mixer truck is a special truck used to transport construction concrete; Because of its shape, it is often called snail car. During the actual operation of the equipment, the handling of the self loading mixer is also a very important part. Therefore, it is necessary to test the quality of engine oil in the process of application, so how to operate it?
        1. Stop the self loading mixer on a horizontal surface and tighten the hand brake.
        2. Allow the engine to idle for a few minutes.
        3. Press the brake pedal, turn the lever to reverse, forward, etc., and stay in each gear for a few seconds to fill the torque converter and all shift actuators with hydraulic oil, and finally turn the lever to the parking position.
        4. Remove the automatic transmission dipstick from the filler pipe, insert the cleaned dipstick into the filler pipe, and then pull it out to check the oil level on the dipstick.
        Please check the oil level and quality of the gearbox before checking the self loading mixer or eliminating its defects. Place the shift lever in position P, operate the engine for at least a few minutes when idling, the oil reaches the normal operating temperature, and the vehicle is parked on a horizontal surface to ensure the oil level between the differential and the throttle. Transmission is usually secure.
        1. The water inlet system can complete automatic water inlet according to the weighing setting.
        2. The rotation of the drum of the self loading mixer is driven by the hydraulic motor through a special planetary gear, and the output shaft of the planetary gear can shake at a constant point of view to meet the beat of the drum of the self loading mixer under severe road conditions.
        3. The double spiral blades are arranged on the inner wall of the mixing drum of the automatic concrete mixing truck to feed forward and mix the concrete, while the reverse rotating concrete is discharged from the outlet under the downward pressure of the spiral blades.
        4. Supply dry materials, and automatically supply bucket arm, boom cylinder and metering hopper according to the planned proportion.
        5. The hydraulic system uses constant power variable displacement piston pump to reduce engine power loss.
        6. The travel system is driven by the engine from the torque converter and the front and rear drive shafts to the front and rear axles. The application of torque converter reduces the impact on the engine and prolongs the service life of the engine.
        混凝土攪拌車在運輸過程中會始終保持攪拌筒轉動,以保證所運載的混凝土不會凝固。運送完混凝土后, 通常都會用水沖洗攪拌筒內部, 防止硬化的混凝土占用空間, 使攪拌筒的容積越來越少。
        The concrete mixer will always keep the mixing drum rotating during transportation to ensure that the transported concrete will not solidify. After transporting the concrete, the interior of the mixing drum is usually washed with water to prevent the hardened concrete from occupying space and reduce the volume of the mixing drum.
        • 公司:萊州聚峰機械有限公司
        • 熱線:400-879-1999
        • 地址:山東省萊州市206國道與308省道交叉口東南50米

