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        你所在位置: 首頁 >> 新聞中心 > 公司新聞



        作者:http://www.www.boy7up.cn 時間:2021-10-08

        按變速方式分類 混凝土攪拌車唻自洎動頭筿變速器按變速方式的不同,可分為有級自動變速器和無級自動變速器兩種。自動變速器按照混凝土攪拌車驅動方式的不同,可分為后驅動自動變速器和前驅動自動變速器兩種。
        Classified according to the speed change mode, the automatic head electric transmission of concrete mixer can be divided into two types: hierarchical automatic transmission and stepless automatic transmission. According to different driving modes of concrete mixer truck, automatic transmission can be divided into rear drive automatic transmission and front drive automatic transmission.
        (1)按變速方式分類 混凝土攪拌車自動變速器按變速方式的不同,可分為有級自動變速器和無級自動變速器兩種。
        (1) According to the classification of speed change mode, the automatic transmission of concrete mixer can be divided into two types: hierarchical automatic transmission and stepless automatic transmission.
        (2)按汽車驅動方式分類 自動變速器按照混凝土攪拌車驅動方式的不同,可分為后驅動自動變速器和前驅動自動變速器兩種。
        (2) According to the classification of vehicle driving mode, automatic transmission can be divided into rear drive automatic transmission and front drive automatic transmission according to the different driving modes of concrete mixer.
        (3)按齒輪傳動機構類型分類 自動變速器按齒輪傳動機構不同,可分為普通齒輪式和行星齒輪式兩種。
        (3) According to the type of gear transmission mechanism, automatic transmission can be divided into ordinary gear type and planetary gear type according to different gear transmission mechanisms.
        (4)按控制方式分類 自動變速器按控制方式不同,可分為混凝土攪拌車全液壓控制自動變速器和電子控制自動變速器兩種。
        (4) According to different control modes, automatic transmission can be divided into full hydraulic control automatic transmission and electronic control automatic transmission of concrete mixer.
        • 公司:萊州聚峰機械有限公司
        • 熱線:400-879-1999
        • 地址:山東省萊州市206國道與308省道交叉口東南50米

