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        你所在位置: 首頁 >> 新聞中心 > 行業資訊



        作者:http://www.www.boy7up.cn 時間:2021-03-10

        1. 混凝土攪拌車的換向閥不能換向或者換向動作緩慢,一般是因潤滑不良、彈簧被卡住或損壞、油污或雜質卡住滑動部分等原因引起的。此時,我們應先檢查油霧器的工作是否正常,潤滑油的粘度是否合適。必要時,應更換潤滑油,清洗換向閥的滑動部分,或更換彈簧和換向閥。
        1. The reversing valve of concrete mixer can not change direction or the reversing action is slow, which is generally caused by poor lubrication, spring stuck or damaged, oil or impurities stuck sliding part and other reasons. At this time, we should first check whether the oil atomizer works normally and whether the viscosity of the lubricating oil is appropriate. If necessary, replace the lubricating oil, clean the sliding part of the directional valve, or replace the spring and directional valve.
        2. 攪拌車的換向閥經長時間使用后容易出現閥芯密封圈磨損、閥桿和閥座損傷的現象,導致閥內氣體泄漏,閥的動作緩慢或不正常換向等故障。此時,需要更換密封圈、閥桿和閥座,或將換向閥換新。
        2. After being used for a long time, the reversing valve of mixer truck is prone to wear of valve core sealing ring, damage of valve stem and valve seat, resulting in gas leakage in the valve, slow action or abnormal reversing of the valve. At this time, the sealing ring, valve stem and valve seat need to be replaced, or the change-over valve needs to be renewed.
        3. 若電磁先導閥的進、排氣孔被油泥或其他雜物堵塞,封閉不嚴,活動鐵芯被卡死,電路有故障等,均可導致換向閥不能正常換向,對于前三種情況應清洗先導閥及活動鐵芯上的油泥和雜質,而電路故障一般又可分為電路故障和電磁線圈故障兩類。
        3. If the inlet and exhaust holes of the solenoid pilot valve are blocked by oil sludge or other debris, the sealing is not tight, the movable iron core is stuck, and the circuit is faulty, the reversing valve can not be normally reversed. For the first three cases, the oil sludge and impurities on the pilot valve and movable iron core should be cleaned, and the circuit faults can be divided into circuit faults and solenoid coil faults.
        Before checking the circuit fault, turn the manual knob of the directional valve a few times to see whether the directional valve can change direction normally under the rated air pressure. If it can change direction normally, the circuit is faulty. When checking, use the instrument to measure the voltage of the solenoid coil to see whether it reaches the rated voltage. If the voltage is too low, further check the power supply and related lines in the control circuit The circuit of the range switch. If the reversing valve can not change direction normally under the rated voltage, check whether the connector of the solenoid coil is loose or not. Check method: pull off the plug and measure the resistance of the coil (generally between several hundred ohm and several thousand Ohm). If the resistance is too large or too small, it means that the solenoid coil is damaged and needs to be replaced.
        • 公司:萊州聚峰機械有限公司
        • 熱線:400-879-1999
        • 地址:山東省萊州市206國道與308省道交叉口東南50米

